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Nisargalaya Brahmi Hair Oil + Get Free Head Massager

Get Free Head Massager with Brahmi Oil
Rated 4.67 out of 5
399.00 390.00
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399.00 390.00
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Nisargalaya Brahmi Shampoo

Quantity: 100Ml
Rated 5.00 out of 5
144.00 140.00
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Nisargalaya Root Hair Oil + Get Free Head Massager

Get Free Head Massager with Root Hair Oil
Rated 4.86 out of 5
252.00 250.00
- 4% Nisargalaya Root ShampooNisargalaya Root ShampooOut of stock
Rated 5.00 out of 5
136.00 130.00
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272.00 270.00

Herbal Hair Care (Herbal Shampoo)

Why Herbal Shampoo?

Nowadays herbal shampoos are preferred over other shampoos because
herbal shampoos are natural and organic in nature, made only from natural products like flowers, roots of medicinal plants, juices of certain flowers etc. They do not have any side-effect. It aids in hair growth and prevents hair fall.

Advantages of choosing Herbal Shampoo

Herbal Shampoo has loads of benefits, which make them a favorite for women, as they are very particular about maintaining their hair and prevent it from falling. The advantages are as follows:

 One of the main advantages, as mentioned earlier is that it reduces hair fall. Washing the hair with herbal shampoo at least once a week is a must.

 Herbal shampoo helps in strengthening the root of the hair, which in turn lead to its growth. It is one of the best shampoos to use in that regard.
 This natural and organic shampoo also helps in increasing the shine of the hair.

How herbal products change your life?

Herbal products, being natural and organic in nature, are devoid of any hazardous chemical, which might cause harm to the skin after using. Moreover, due to the presence of natural products, it helps in nutrition and growth.

Are Herbal Shampoos safe to use?

Herbal Shampoos are made of natural ingredients like natural plant and herb extracts, which provide numerous positive results for hair and scalp. One can enjoy these natural benefits and maintain healthy hair without the thought of putting your body at risk by getting it exposed to harmful chemicals. Presence of natural ingredients makes them a non-allergic product. Hence they are completely safe to use.

Are Herbal Shampoos Good For All Ages?

As herbal shampoos are made out of natural ingredients and have no side-effects, so the benefits can be enjoyed by people of all age groups, with different types of hair.

About Nisargalaya Herbal Shampoo

Nisargalaya Herbal Shampoo has ayurvedic herbal ingredients in it,
which helps to nourish your hair from the root. This results in abnormal stoppage of hair fall and helps you grow long, thick and healthy hair, thus protecting from further damage.

How Nisargalaya Herbal Shampoo Are Made?

Nisargalaya Herbal Shampoo is made of several beneficial herbs, other natural ingredients made from plants and herbs extracts, which penetrate the hair follicles and strengthen roots, thereby stimulating them to increase the growth of hair that is free from dandruff.

What are the Ingredients We Use in our Shampoo?

The ingredients we use in our shampoo are all natural ingredients made out of plants and herbs extracts, having no side-effects. So, it can be applied by people of all age groups, having different types of skin texture.

How to use Nisargalaya Herbal Shampoo?

The ideal way to use Nisargalaya Herbal Shampoo is by making your hair wet and then gently massage the shampoo on the scalp and hair. Keep your hair in that state for 2 to 3 minutes, then wash thoroughly and repeat if you feel like.